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DNA test: Should I take it?

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

Reasons not to reveal your DNA

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Recently DNA-testing kits became a huge business successfully advertised by the social media. Millions of people have sent their saliva to commercial labs to get to know more about themselves (i.e.their health, heritage) or gift these kits to family members and friends. Sounds really cool! BUT! Don't forget, folks, it is still THE business and YOUR data!

What is a DNA test kit ?

"We need your saliva."

So, should we actually explore our past or see our future? What make me feel unsafe is what happens with our DNA data and who can use it besides me. Is there someone who can be interested in it more than you? Let's start from the very beginning!

How it works?

"We need your saliva! We will not decipher your whole genome, but very unique sequence sites. Then, we compare your sequence sites with the database we have.Voila! your are 5% #Japanese, 50% #Arab and something else." - this is the reply you get from a company manager. But Is it really #true?!

Limitations of the company

If the company's database is poor , then your genetic result can be biased.

One of the most crucial factors that makes the outcome of your test accurate is the database of the genetic sequences a company does possess.

Let's take an example: if there are only 3 Nigerian people in the database, the percent that you are Nigerian would be quite low. In fact, a company can group similar nationalities into one category (shocking, right?), that makes the results even more unreliable. Therefore, if you take a test again , in 5 years, the results might be totally different (BOOM!).

So far, this #DNA test kit is for FUN, but, well, 50-100 euros to pay for that?! For this price I would prefer to buy a cool book about #biology or take a diagnostic test in clinic to check my health. this is everyone's choice though.

By the way, check our new reviews on ... from our wonderful experts and amateurs in reading!

Genetic test to check if you can have any diseases or disorders

Another not less exciting test is DNA kit that allows to see whether you a carrier of chronic disease, or you have chance to get cancer. Well, quite serious test!

A step that shows your genetic map with the risks of any diseases.

The principle is similar to previous one: your DNA is checked for some potential biomarkers that depict on each disease. If this "bad gene" is expressed more than threshold , the risk to get that particular disease is higher. One of these kind of tests approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is 23andme.

From one hand, if you are in potential trouble you can change that by going through regular health check-ups and diagnostics. So, what might be tricky in that? Personally, it is a good option. Instead of going to taro magician to know about your future, you can know more from this test. BUT! It is not only you, who knows your health status.

he companies that sell these tests can claim for their right on your data. It means they can do what they want to benefit from it.Despite rules and regulation, we all have this human factor that can do some not good actions towards others. It might happen that your data could be sold to third parties, like insurance companies. If they would know, their client has a high risk to get diabetes, well , maybe they will no longer service you or will raise the costs... A quick good tip: before submitting your DNA, protect yourself , know the laws (i.e. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and think ahead.

Just for your interest, #23andme collaborates with a big pharma giant #GlaxoSmithKline and #Ancestry has a "partner in crime" #Calico Life Sciences.Remember, that your DNA is the access to your family members data as well! Before doing this test , it would be good to talk to your parents and siblings about it.

And whoever knows how this jump to future can affect you and your social circle? mentally , emotionally and physically? It could be traumatic to find out something you are not ready to hear.

Well, a lot to think about. As I said earlier , it is everyone's choice. Science is great! Discoveries and inventions lead to human progress, but when they become part of business, it turns out a different story!

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