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Aigerim Yerken

Psychologist, PhD


I'm a PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Her main research interests are the adaptation of international students, acculturation, anxiety, depression, cross-cultural psychology, gender equality, and ethnic identity. She received training certificates in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) led by Dr Judit Beck at Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. 

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Santanu Mondal

Organic Chemist, PhD


I am a PhD student in Japan at the Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology (OIST). I am an organic chemist, studying chemical reactions, properties and mechanisms. My job is a combination of being an architect and a chef. I think of the complex path to make my molecules, like how an architect draws plans for a building, and then for each step in the assembly process, I follow a procedure like how a chef cooks a recipe.

I have a diverse range of interests, including Science Communications, Public Speaking, Health, and Travel.

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Angela Kirykowicz

Structural Biologist, PhD


I’m a PhD student at the University of Cambridge. My passion is structural biology – I’m a firm believer in seeing is believing! We determine the 3D coordinates of all the atoms in a protein; that’s usually over 10,000 atoms! The structures we solve give a lot of insight into their function, like figuring out how a machine works. We can even manipulate these machines, changing their functions or tweaking them using drugs. In my spare time, I like writing on my blog (, working out, attempting new recipes, or Netflix chilling.

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